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Cover Reveal of "Bombay Heights"

As the release day of my romantic comedy novel, Bombay Heights, draws closer, it's time to unveil the cover and reveal the blurb!

It's an exciting moment for me and I hope you all will love the cover. Many thanks to the TBC team for sharing this moment with me!

So, without further ado, here goes...

Bombay Heights -- Sleepless in the City of Dreams

Small town girl Sanjana Kale wants a fresh start in Mumbai. A challenging job and some much needed distance from her ludicrously over-protective family could get her life under control.

Forced to team up with video game designer Ashwin Deo, who is too attractive for his own good, she finds life becoming a whole lot more complicated when he turns out to be her new neighbour. How can she maintain a professional distance with this charming troublemaker who believes in getting up close and personal?

To make matters worse, her ex tries to manipulate her loved ones to work his way back into her life. Hysterical siblings, a cantankerous client, an ex who will not take no for an answer, and a blow hot blow cold neighbour... Sanjana is sleepless in the City of Dreams! Can she do what Ashwin dares her to--create a few ripples even if it upsets her family?

And now for the Cover....

Watch out for the Release of the Book on Amazon on 9th July, 2018


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